
We all want to be happy. We all want a healthy and beautiful life. But how can we get the blissful life that we desire?

It’s a place where you can find suggestions on self improvement, wellness, simple living, self care, lifestyle and so much more. It’s an honest endeavor to help you simplify life, increase productivity, raise confidence and a strong sense of self as well as to live a more fulfilling and happier life.

We share real experiences and stories in the hope that it will inspire you to be the best version of yourself. We want to celebrate every woman, create community and spread happiness.

In the ups and downs of life, no matter what you are going through, we want you to know that we are there for you. Together we can learn and grow and make life more enriching.

We hope to inspire healthy choices and balance, content lives.

lil about me

I’m Sonaley.

I am a mother, wife, blogger, writer, dreamer, hodophile, nature-lover, and fierce optimist. I believe in holistic well-being that includes taking care of mind, body, soul, relationships and finances. I believe each person is unique and special and the journey to happiness starts with self-acceptance.

I used to work as a technical writer in the IT industry but gave up my job to be a full-time mummy. Over the years I became more inclined towards finding balance and fulfillment in life. So, when my son was old enough, I decided to start this blog to chronicle all the things that I hope would bring more inspiration, amazement and joy to the lives of others.

My life is not picture perfect and I have had my share of struggles and disappointments. I believe every experience in life teaches you a valuable lesson. My experiences taught me to be resilient and enjoy every moment in life.

The thought behind starting Happy & Savvy was to provide a platform where we can enlighten and empower each other to find inner clarity and contentment. To be a daily source of inspiration for women to help create a life filled with positivity, well-being and happiness.

I promise to nurture and create from my heart, bringing you content that I hope will inspire you to live well.

Thank you for being here. I’d love to get to know you!

You can start your journey from here: