Disappointment Practical ways how to deal with it

Disappointment : 7 Practical Ways How To Deal With It

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Ah! Disappointment. It sucks doesn’t it? Imagine never having to go through one ever again, wouldn’t that be incredible?

Unfortunately, that’s just not possible. Disappointments are an inevitable part of life.

However, rather than allowing the disappointment to negatively impact our mental and physical health, we can adopt healthier ways to overcome these difficult moments and move forward.

Just like everyone else, I’ve had my fair share of disappointments. From having to cancel a long-awaited vacation, to missing out on my dream job, to experiencing the loss of loved ones, and more.

Even starting this blog wasn’t smooth sailing for me. It took me more than four years of overcoming numerous hurdles before I could finally launch it.

Disappointment is a complex emotion, and dealing with it isn’t always easy. It can be overwhelming and incredibly frustrating at times.

But here’s the thing, disappointment isn’t all negative. Just like everything else in life, it teaches us valuable lessons. It’s up to us to decide what we take away from these experiences.

The key to overcoming disappointment is to turn every setback into an opportunity for growth.

Here I am sharing with you some techniques that have helped me in dealing with disappointments in a positive way.

1. Accept your feelings

Disappointment can truly be a soul crushing experience.

It brings along a flood of negative emotions that can be extremely overwhelming. Our initial response to these emotions is often to either avoid or suppress them.

However, trying to ignore negative emotions can actually worsen the situation in the future. It can lead to more significant problems that could impact your overall well-being, including your health and relationships.

Instead, consider embracing your feelings and accepting them. While it may not be an easy task, it will eventually aid in your faster recovery from disappointment.

Here is how I do it.


I give myself permission to take a moment and mourn over my disappointment.

During this time, I focus on truly understanding and connecting with my feelings.

This step is vital as it initiates the healing process for my emotional well-being.

Label the emotions

When faced with disappointment, I make a conscious effort to label each and every emotion that evokes within me.

If I find myself feeling excessively overwhelmed and unable to think straight, I pause for a moment to observe my thoughts and physical sensations.

This practice of labeling my emotions allows me to better navigate and make sense of my feelings.

Acknowledge the emotions

I make a conscious effort not to pass judgment on my feelings. Instead, I remind myself that it’s perfectly alright to experience whatever emotions I’m going through.

This practice has a remarkable impact on improving my overall well-being.

I firmly believe that acknowledging and validating our emotions is key to effectively managing them.

This shall pass

It’s important to keep in mind that no matter how overwhelming or challenging our emotions may be, they won’t last forever.

Depending on the situation, some emotions may last for a short time, while others may persist for a longer duration.

However, it’s important to remember that they will eventually fade away.

Always remember, this too shall pass.

2. Open up

Disappointment Open up

It’s tough when reality doesn’t align with our expectations, leaving us feeling down and consumed by negative emotions.

However, shutting out and bottling up those emotions isn’t the best solution. I’ve been there too, and every time I did that, I ended up feeling even more miserable.

Suppressing negative emotions can have detrimental effects on your physical and mental well-being. Those emotions don’t simply disappear; they remain buried inside and eventually find a way to explode out, even stronger than before.

A healthier way to handle disappointment is by allowing yourself to express your feelings and let them out.

Here is how I do it.

Talk it out

Sharing your thoughts and emotions after experiencing disappointment can be quite intimidating. However, trust me, it truly makes a difference.

Personally, I’ve found that discussing the things that are troubling me with someone helps alleviate the burden and brings a sense of relief.

Whether it’s your family, a friend, or a therapist, make sure it’s someone you trust and who will lend a listening ear without passing judgment.

Engaging in conversation with someone can also provide you with a fresh perspective, as they may offer a different viewpoint on your situation.

Remember, you don’t have to face disappointments alone.


Writing about my emotions is incredibly therapeutic for me. It provides me with a sense of clarity, allowing me to reflect on the situation at hand.

Whether it’s jotting down my deepest thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper or journaling, writing helps me express myself and release any pent-up frustration or negative emotions.


Exercise serves as a powerful tool to redirect your attention from feelings of hopelessness.

Additionally, when you work out, your body releases endorphins, which are known as the “happy hormones.” These endorphins not only enhance your mood but also help you steer clear of negativity.

Personally, I find going for a walk outside to be a refreshing choice.

Whether it’s a jog, a gym session, or any other physical activity that appeals to you, go ahead and give it a try! Engaging in such activities can do wonders in easing both physical and mental tension.

3. Get some perspective

It’s completely normal for our hopes to be crushed when we don’t get what we desire.

We may find ourselves engulfed in sadness, unable to see beyond our own disappointment and think it’s the end of the world.

However, it’s important to remember that reality might not be as bleak as it seems. By putting our disappointment into perspective, we can view it in a new light and grasp the bigger picture.

Here is how I do it


I ask myself, will this even matter in a week? Or a month? Or a year? It’s questions like these that serve as a reality check and make me contemplate the significance of it all.

Whenever I tend to blow things out of proportion (which happens more often than I’d like), these questions help me see things from the right perspective.


It’s amazing how listening to the viewpoints of my loved ones during times of disappointment can bring me the clarity I need.

Emotions can sometimes blind us, but their take on the situation can help us see beyond our own limitations and gain a broader perspective.

4. Manage expectations

Disappointment Manage expectations

It’s natural to feel disappointed when things don’t go as planned.

Whether it’s the disappointment of not receiving the long-awaited promotion or the frustration of having to cancel a meticulously planned birthday party, these situations can leave us feeling disheartened.

It’s a known fact that when you don’t expect anything, you won’t be disappointed. Yet, it’s incredibly hard to have zero expectations.

The best way to cope with disappointment is to stay mindful of your expectations and make necessary adjustments. This approach will help you to better navigate through moments of disappointment.

Here is how I do it.

Reality check

It’s important to keep in mind that not every venture we embark on will be successful, and it’s not practical to expect our partner to surprise us with a gift every single day.

When we have unrealistic expectations, we’re simply setting ourselves up for disappointment.

Personally, whenever I feel like my expectations are getting out of hand, I take a moment to do a reality check.

I try to let go of those expectations or, at the very least, approach them with a practical and realistic mindset.

Give up control

Disappointment often arises when we attempt to have complete control over everything.

Yet, the truth is that in life, the only thing we can truly control is ourselves.

Once we understand this, we can spare ourselves from a great deal of disappointment.

Practice patience

In our fast-paced world, we often expect instant results and become disheartened when things take longer than anticipated.

But let’s not forget the age-old saying: Rome wasn’t built in a day.

To excel at something, it takes dedication, perseverance, and a lot of patience.

5. Be kind to yourself

Sometimes, a disappointment can hit you really hard.

However, constantly blaming yourself or being too hard on yourself will only make things worse. Remember, it’s not always your fault when things don’t work out.

Taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally, is extremely important during such times.

Being kind to yourself will help you bounce back from disappointment more quickly.

Here is how I do it.

Self care

Taking care of yourself plays a crucial role in recovering from disappointment.

Personally, I’ve discovered that going for a stroll, immersing myself in nature, enjoying music, or indulging in a good book instantly uplifts my spirits.

There are countless self-care activities out there, so feel free to explore and find what works best for you.


Tapping into your creative side can be an incredible way to release any negative emotions that stem from disappointment.

Engaging in activities like drawing, doodling, painting, or sculpting can help you work through your feelings.

If you have a musical inclination, immersing yourself in music can also offer a comforting escape.

6. Shift your mindset

Disappointment Shift your mindset

Disappointment often brings along a wave of negativity that can easily overwhelm us.

Yet, the longer we allow ourselves to stay in this state, the higher the chances of falling into depression.

By shifting our mindset and embracing a positive attitude, we can overcome disappointment in a more productive way.

Here is how I do it.


Your thoughts shape your reality in profound ways.

When faced with disappointment, it’s natural to have negative self-talk. However, dwelling on negativity only attracts more of it into your life.

That’s why I make a conscious effort to monitor my thoughts and shift my focus towards the positive aspects of any situation.

Whenever negative thinking creeps in, I reframe my self-talk to keep a positive mindset.


It’s important to remember that holding onto disappointment and placing blame, whether on yourself or others, can be detrimental to your well-being.

Regret has a way of consuming you from within and drowning you in negativity.

If you truly want to progress and find happiness, it’s crucial to let go of those regrets and keep moving forward.

Things I remind myself to get over regret.

  • Everything is not in my control. 
  • Mistakes happen
  • Show self-compassion
  • Learn the lessons
  • Forgive and move on


Developing a positive mindset is key to overcoming disappointment, and gratitude is a powerful tool in achieving this.

When faced with disappointment, I make a conscious choice to focus on the things I am grateful for or the things that are going right in my life.

This practice of gratitude helps me recognize that the blessings in my life far outweigh any disappointments.

7. Look ahead

Clinging onto your disappointment won’t do you any good.

Remember, tomorrow is a fresh start filled with endless possibilities.

Disappointments are simply a small part of life that everyone goes through.

However, in order to grow and succeed, it’s important to accept your disappointments and keep moving ahead.

Here is how I do it.

Look at the bright side

Although it may initially feel like everything is falling apart, there is always a glimmer of hope in every disappointment.

No matter how tough your circumstances may appear, there is always something to learn and some positives to take away.

Hence, I consciously make an effort to shift my focus towards the valuable lessons that I can learn from any negative experience, allowing me to progress forward.

Be flexible

When you possess a flexible approach, nothing can shatter your resilience.

To me, this means having realistic and adjustable expectations, a backup plan, and being open to any outcome.

Flexibility empowers you to overcome disappointment and make progress in life.

Make a new plan

When things don’t work out as planned initially, it’s time to adopt a fresh approach and find a new way to tackle the task at hand.

Setbacks, heartbreaks, shattered dreams, and failures are all integral parts of life’s journey that everyone experiences.

Embracing new ways to accomplish your goals and overcoming any hurdles along the way is what leads to success.

Final thoughts

Life has a way of knocking us down, but it’s up to us to decide how we respond. We can either stay down and let life pass us by, or we can gather the strength to get back up and continue on our journey.

It’s true that disappointment can be painful, but dwelling on the sadness won’t do us any good.

Rather than drowning in the pain, reframe the way you see emotions and identify the areas in your life that need improvement.

Instead of fixating on your mistakes, view them as valuable opportunities for growth and learning.

Take the time to understand what went wrong, extract meaningful lessons from those experiences, and let those lessons guide your future decisions.

With the right mindset and effective coping strategies, you can swiftly recover from disappointments and bounce back stronger than ever.

How do you deal with disappointment? Let me know your strategies in the comments below!

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